The Path We Walk

The Path We Walk, 2015, Vachon GallerySocially engaged art by Hanako O'Leary, Bess Butterworth, Claire Bancroft

The Path We Walk, 2015, Vachon Gallery

Socially engaged art by Hanako O'Leary, Bess Butterworth, Claire Bancroft

The Path We Walk

This project was created by asking my Facebook community to share with me, "how you experienced misogyny in your everyday life, and how you prepared your self to deal with or confront it?" Many women and a few men replied, and I was deeply touched by their willingness to share such personal experiences. My collaborators Bess Butterworth, Claire Bancroft and I used these words to create a labyrinth.

So often we find our words walked over, and perhaps we do this to others as well. In this piece our intention was to create a moment for us to look down and tread lightly- to take a moment and see what we are stepping on. By the time we make it out of this maze, hopefully we have a better understanding of the paths we walk- together and alone.